Hey everyone, I know it's been pretty quite from me in terms of content and just bein' around, but for the past couple months I've been in a rut and haven't been able to get myself to post new stuff. Work has taken up a lot of time and it's harder to focus, plus my mood hasn't been the best for a while.
I do have stuff planned for next year, I'll more than likely spend a lot of it getting my original project off of the ground and out into the internet, there might even be some art for it out before the year's over.
Thanks for sticking around this long and checking out my stuff, it means so much to me!
Been there! Adhd af
I'll tell you what a creative powerhouse and friend once told me-
"Motivation is fickle." It ebbs and flows, and can crumple and implode by the slightest thing. So if you tie your creative productivity to motivation? Your output will be unreliable, and that'll generate a feedback loop hindering your motivation even further.
A body at rest stays at rest.
However, "discipline is dependable." When you do what you love to do because you NEED to do it, that's the stuff that seperates the pro's from the hobbyists. When you've had a shitty day at work, but you make the time after your wage job to put in the effort into your creative job, that's hard work but it's generating valuable momentum.
A body in motion stays in motion.
Stick and move, start eliminating distractions and deprive unbeneficial activities of your time. Discipline can only be trained and cultivated by putting in the research and work into it.
You've got this! Motivation be damned- even if it's something small or a little bit of progress into a grander thing, it's up to you as to *when* you devote your time to your projects.
And the beautiful part is, you have all the time in the world to find that time.